Since when did being myself mean being an outcast? It seems that these days people are more concerned by what I have to offer, instead of loving me for who I am.
But why? Why are my “gifts and talents” more important than me? Perhaps it’s because in our modern world we recognise someone’s gift as being who they are, not their gift being a by product of who they are as a person.
Let me explain: we have become so obsessed by the media and celebrity culture that we no longer see the person behind the name, but rather what the name has to offer. What this does is create a constant pressure, as people we become known for our gift, so in order to maintain our reputation we need to make sure that our gift is constantly in the spotlight. We become pressured into a situation where we are forced to act and look a certain way, not because it’s who we are, but rather because it’s the YOU everyone else wants.
Now I’m not saying this only happens to celebrities, quite the opposite in fact. I honestly believe this is something we all struggle with, the desire to be loved and accepted is something we all have in common. That’s why we seek approval, even if it means loosing ourselves in the process.
Woman become obsessed with their weight and appearance, because being “too fat” seems to make you less of a person. But is this how we are supposed to live, surely there must be more to me, to us, than this shallow world?
I believe there is, and I think this video will help you understand why.
You see we are fearfully and wonderfully made, by a perfect God, who gave his best when making you. In his eyes you are the most beautiful of creations. We don’t need someone to tell us we are beautiful because we look a certain way, because we already know that just by being created, we are beautiful.
You were made unique for a reason; so don’t waste your life trying to be a copy. There is no need for all this pressure we put on ourselves to be something we are not. So choose to see yourself the way God does, and live a life in freedom and acceptance. No one knows you better than God, so allow his voice to be the one that guides you.
Perhaps self-image is something you struggle with, well if that is the case, we would love to chat to you about how God made you perfect, and that he loves you the way you are. All you have to do is send us a message on the link below.
We would love to hear from you.