Hope is a powerful thing! It is the silent force behind a winning attitude. Have you ever encountered a person with great passion for life and exuberant vibrancy for their future? The secret to their drive will certainly include a healthy dose of hope. Obviously there are many factors that influence and affect our behaviour and attitude towards life in general; hope plays a large part of that.
In the world war, one of the main objectives of Adolf Hitler was to strip the people of their hope, because hope deferred makes the heart sick, and when the heart is sick, the soul does not prosper!
But give someone hope, real, tangible hope, and you will see a complete attitude change. Hope for a better future, a better career or a better living environment – you’ll certainly see a 180 degree turn in attitude.
Hope can also be a very dangerous thing. If you constantly make empty promises you will break someone’s dreams. And with every lie you tell and every promise you make of future change, the less people will trust you and the more they will come to despise hope; and they will eventually hate you.
I have experienced misguided hope and it ain’t cool. When I first experienced false hope some years back, it really hurt and it temporarily destroyed me, mostly because I trusted the person who constantly disappointed me. But when I took my eyes of people and I placed my hope in Jesus, I had a major change in attitude. I realized that people will constantly disappoint, even I have and will continue to disappoint. If I make a promise and instill hope in someone, then come what may, I will deliver and I will make big on my promise.
God never disappoints and He never will. When scripture speaks about the promises of God and the hope He brings, it’s always spot on and He always follows through.
If you need real hope in your life, please click on the banner below and contact us today.