We all know that Monday morning feeling, when getting out of bed to go to work is the last thing you want to do. But what if every day feels like a Monday? Is it maybe a sign that you’re stuck in a dead-end job?

No job is perfect – we all have our good days and bad days. But how do you know that your career is going somewhere? How do you know if you’re in the right place, doing the right job? If your time at your job is over, how would you know?

Here’s a few tell-tale signs:

  1. You no longer have a vision for your job: When you first started, you were excited to go to work. You could see yourself working there years into the future. Maybe you even had a position or department you had your eye on for the future. But now, you can’t even see yourself working there next week. If your job doesn’t spark vision for your future there, it may be a sign you’re stuck in a dead-end job.
  2. You no longer believe in what you do: When you first started, you were so excited by what your company or department did. You would talk to friends and family about how great the company is and how important the work you were doing was. But nowadays, you have no passion for what your company does or what they stand for. If you no longer care about what your company does or you can’t see the value in their contribution to our world, it may be a sign you’re in a dead-end job.
  3. You aren’t getting any new responsibilities: At most companies, there are more tasks that need to get done than there are people to complete them. I know at my organisation, we are always looking for people who can carry more responsibility. If you haven’t been given any additional responsibilities in quite some time, it may be a sign that you’re stuck in a dead-end job.

Good jobs are hard to come by and we should be grateful for what we have, but our jobs are where we spend the majority of our time and it should be an environment that challenges us, realises our full potential and gives us vision for our future.

If you are in a job and you don’t feel like it’s going anywhere, why not take some time to pray and ask God what your next step should be. Perhaps posting your CV online or browsing available jobs is a good place to start.

See what doors God opens for you, knowing that He loves you and has great plans for your life!