Did you know that the ordinary, everyday and boring things in life are actually good for you? I know it sounds crazy, but bear with me here.
I sat down last week at my dining room table to read my Bible. Sometimes I’m honestly excited to read it and other times I’m not. This was one of those ‘not’ times. It didn’t help that my reading for that day was in the book of Jeremiah. I don’t know if you have ever read it but it’s not the easiest, lightest or most encouraging book of the Bible. Nevertheless, I opened my Bible to where I had left off. The reading unexpectedly blew me away. I certainly wasn’t expecting God to speak to me through it.
Great expectations
Many of us are eager for God to do great things in our lives and through our lives. We are expectant for Him to bring along bigger things in our lives. Such as more opportunities, a pay increase, a promotion, a relationship or even a ministry platform. Desiring bigger and better things for our lives is a good thing. The Bible talks about God granting us the desire our hearts, therefore we know that it’s also His desire to bring bigger and better things into our lives.
However, it’s the ordinary, everyday and boring things in life that are actually good for us. As I was saying earlier, I never expected God to speak to me about this through a passage in the book of Jeremiah.
Jeremiah 12:5
“If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?”
Mastering the basics
This passage teaches us that we first must master the everyday and ordinary things if we are going to be successful in handling bigger things. I love the analogy it draws. It says we won’t be able to compete with horses if we falter at an ordinary foot race. Profound isn’t it?
What does the ordinary, mundane and boring look like in your life? Perhaps you are a mom at home looking after kids, or a student or working at a menial job. We all desire greater things for our lives but it’s so important to do the ordinary, mundane and boring things well.
Ordinary things forge our character.
Mundane things grow our capacity.
Boring things increase our perseverance.
This post challenges me to do the everyday things well so that I will be fit to handle more. What about you?
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