We have finally reached that time of year where reality has kicked in. Whether you began the year with a sense of expectation or dread, the truth is by now we all are living in what could be considered “the norm” of what your 2016 will look like.
I personally hate being put into a box, though. So instead of allowing the situations of my life to define what the rest of the year will look like, I have decided I want to change – to continue to improve in areas where I feel I am lacking.
Whether it regards our health, our wealth, the impression we make, or the way we handle life’s curve balls, the beginning of a year is normally where people decide to change. But you don’t have to wait another eight months to make a difference in your own life! You could start right now.
Once you have identified the area in which you want to change, I believe there are three things you can do to help yourself change. I recently came across these steps and have found them very useful.
Step 1 – Put off your old self
Sounds a bit strange, I know. But imagine trying to start afresh in an area of your life while all the things that justified and aided the old way you lived were still at work. It would make life unnecessarily hard. We all have a “programmed” way of life. If we want to adjust our programming, we need to turn off the device.
So practically, that means choosing to wipe the slate clean. No more playing with temptation or hoarding emotions. No more running from confrontation or defaulting to”‘instinctual” reactions. You might think this is a bit counterproductive – “aren’t I meant to be active in this area in order to change?” The answer is yes. But you need to turn something off to be able to repair it and turn it back on.
Step 2 – Renew your attitude
This is the ‘reprogramming’ step. It’s the part all of us would like to forget. Real change means real, honest introspection. Have you ever asked yourself what attitude you have towards the areas of life where you are failing? Are you rebellious in the area of purity? Do you have an attitude of defeat when it comes to your eating habits? Is selfishness crowding your approach to time? Is laziness keeping you from doing what you have always dreamt to do?
Our attitudes determine what our life will be. It is not just the frame from which we see the world, it is the fabric of how we internalise and operate. So address your attitude. Start unwinding the thoughts and emotions that are holding your change captive. This may seem ridiculously “deep” for someone who wants to wake up a few hours earlier, but if you want lasting change, you are going to have to be vigilant in holding your attitude in check.
Step 3 – Put on your new self
This is the fun part. It’s like the restart after a major update of your phone or laptop (speaking to Apple users. Don’t let Microsoft 10 ruin this metaphor!). Justified by all that you addressed in changing your attitude, you not only have a much easier job changing, but also have a reason not to revert back to the way you lived before. This is where you can get practical – where you set up your meal plans, set up accountability, and chase after your new goals.
Many of us just want to do Step 3 in this process. Step 1 is painful and makes sure we are serious and Step 2 is probably the most daunting and revealing, but they are the secret in making sure Step 3 is successful.
I firmly believe that no matter what change you make, you need counsel and support throughout the whole process. As much as people can fulfil this need to a degree, no one is perfect or has had the exact same experiences you have.
There is someone who does have a greater perspective, while also understanding exactly why you see yourself and your world the way you do. God has helped me to change in so many areas of my life. If you want to learn how to know God for yourself, you can make the greatest change in your life in the next few minutes. Just click on the link below.