Sometimes the only way to know what you actually have is to clear out the stuff that is completely unnecessary. The idea of simplifying is great, but in practice it’s a bit daunting! Sifting through bits and pieces, deciding what to keep, what to give away and what to throw out! If you’re anything like me the whole thing feels a little overwhelming. I struggle to know where to start, worry that it’s going to take too long and that in the process I will make more mess than I actually started with, but the feeling of stepping back and looking at a room that has been decluttered… there’s nothing like it!
Let’s get practical
Here are a few ways to help clear the clutter:
- Start small – pick a shelf, a counter or single cupboard and just declutter the small space first. By doing this you can accomplish something in a shorter space of time and it’s far less daunting than a whole room.
- Apply generosity – the idea of throwing away something that is still in working order or good condition can feel wrong. Don’t chuck it, find it a new home with someone who will use it, or donate it to charity.
- Set yourself a target – try finding 5 things to throw out, 5 things to put away and 5 things to donate.
- If you touch it, make a decision – don’t pick something up only to put it down again in the same spot – bin it, keep it or gift it.
- If in doubt, throw it out – if you’re not sure why you have something around, get rid of it. If it’s not useful or beautiful then it’s not needed.
When clutter becomes baggage
It’s good practice to every now and then take a look around and clear out the clutter. Not just physical junk but emotional junk as well. Those negative thoughts about your appearance, unhelpful attitudes towards colleagues or family members, unfounded fears that leave God out of the picture… all of those things that take up space, feel overwhelming and make it hard to see what’s really important. If you feel that you are being weighed down by emotional clutter and would like some help, please click on the link below.