How To Get Rid of Insecurity, Doubt and Comparison
I am not sure if you have ever been in a situation where you are nervous about something. It could be preparing to talk in front of a large group of people (like a Oral at school, or presentation at varsity or work etc.) or just one person for that matter. Or in my case singing in front of a lot of people, and you turn to your friend and say, “oh my gosh I am so nervous” and they say to you, “you will be fine JUST BE YOURSELF “. Now that is a lot easier said than done as I am sure you know, especially when you do not know who you are. As I have grown up I have not always been confident, outgoing and a just-say-whats-on-my-mind type of girl. In fact, I would not say that I am that woman now either. Although there have been some major things that have helped me become more confident and outgoing, I have learnt to stand up for myself in many areas. I would love to share some of those things with you that have helped me to step into being ME not you, or the girl/guy down the street who just seems to get everything they want. If learning to be YOU is all you learn this year then I can guarantee that you will be stepping into a future that is so free and liberating. Let me start off by saying that we are all on a journey and no one arrives and gets to a place where they have it all, so this is not a race to try get to the finish line as soon as you can. There have been 3 things in my life that have helped me on this journey.
I realized that I cannot do this life on my own. Years of striving and trying to be someone I am not left me feeling alone and desperate to believe in something bigger. We are not meant to live this life on our own, having people around you that support you and accept you will make it easier to be yourself.
As soon as you realize that comparing yourself to somebody else is pointless and takes you down a road only to destroy you, the better your life will become. Nobodies life is perfect even that person you wish your life could be like. Their life is not perfect. There is that saying that goes: “the grass is greener where you water it!”. I fully agree with that. I had to stop looking to others for affirmation. People are not perfect and they are unpredictable so therefore they will let you down, so if we look to people to make us feel better or constantly look at others lives wishing we somehow had what they did, it only leaves us feeling alone, sad and always seeking love from the wrong place. As Pastor Brian Houston says: “Comparison is a deadly game you cannot win. You’ll always come second. There will always be someone better looking, smarter, more spiritual or seem to get more breaks”. Start living YOUR life the best you know how. YOU be the best friend you can be instead of trying to see who is friends with you. YOU be kind, generous and genuine instead of wondering why others are not doing that. YOU be YOU because only you can live the life you were born to do.
Your own mind can sometimes be your worst enemy. Most of the things we think in our mind are not even true mostly because they are not positive thoughts. Anything that is in our thoughts that are pulling us down or is making us feel insecure are not true.
You may be on a similar journey and are asking yourself questions about God, faith and how he can be the answer to finding the REAL YOU. If you’d like to know more, please click on the banner below and watch the video that follows.
Author: Tami Kolbe
Twitter: taylored_blog
Instagram: taylored_blog
Website: www.tayloredheart.com