It takes two to tango…
Do you remember hearing this phrase when you were growing up? I certainly do! At first I didn’t quite understand it, but as time went by, I slowly grasped the concept.
Have you ever wondered how to improve relationships? Well, relationships are always complex and require constant energy! The big problem is we forget that relationships are always two-sided. Remember the other famous phrase: “There are two sides to every story?” Well, in relationships we should be giving 100% from both sides, not 50/50. At least that way, you know you’ve given 100% from your side and you can be rest assured that you have invested wisely. Hey, at the end of the day, it is an investment, after all.
So, here are 20 awesome relationship tips to live by!
- Free yourself from negative people
- Let go of those who are already gone
- Give people you don’t know a fair chance
- Show everyone kindness and respect
- Accept people just the way they are
- Encourage others and cheer for them
- Be your imperfectly perfect self
- Forgive people and move forward
- Do little things for others every day
- Always be loyal
- Stay in better touch with people who matter to you
- Keep your promises and tell the truth
- Give what you want to receive
- Say what you mean and mean what you say
- Allow others to make their own decisions
- Talk a little less, and listen more
- Leave petty arguments alone
- Pay attention to your relationship with yourself
- Pay attention to who your real friends are
- Ignore unconstructive, hurtful commentary
Remember, if you put in 100%, you’ll get out 100%