You’ve seen them on TV or online right? Products or programs claiming to show you how to lose weight guaranteed. They promise maximum results with minimum time and effort on your part. Sadly, most of those gimmicks don’t work.
People are overweight and unfit. You can blame fast food or office jobs, but the bottom line is we don’t eat what we should and we don’t exercise like we should. Apparently, more than two billion people worldwide are obese. Can we do something about it? Here’s how to lose weight guaranteed.
Put yourself back in charge
This may seem very simple, but it’s true. The reason why so many people are unfit and overweight is because we are not in charge of ourselves. We let cravings and convenience dictate what we will eat. Many times, we go by our feelings and because we don’t feel like exercising, we don’t. We need to put ourselves back in charge and tell ourselves what we are going to do.
I recently bumped into a friend who I hadn’t seen in a few months. She looked fabulous. When I asked her how she did it, her answer astounded me. “When I look at food I tell myself that you don’t need that. You may want it, but you don’t need it.” It sounds simply but it’s so profound. Cravings will try to convince us that we absolutely need that chocolate and we need it now. But in reality, you simply want it but certainly do not need it.
So there you have it. How can you lose weight guaranteed? The answer is found in one word, self-discipline. Put yourself back in charge. You decide what you need to eat, not your cravings. You decide when you will exercise, not your feelings.
We are quick to form bad habits but the good news is that new habits can be formed just as easily. Your will and determination are no match for cravings and emotional rollercoasters. You can determine how you will live and make healthy choices that will benefit you.
If you are struggling in the area of self-discipline, God is able to give you strength, wisdom and courage to do what is right. To find out more about a relationship with Him, click on the pop up or on the link below.