So, you’re into food and you set out on a quest to make the most awesome hot dog ever. Your filling might consist of a foot long, russian, vienna, corn dog, or some kind of meat filler. Next you move onto your onion, tomato, cheese, lettuce, or any other leafy decor. Finally, you move on to the final stage, the sauces. This is the creative stage. These are the final touches with regards to flavour. Perhaps you enjoy some good ol’ ketchup, mustard, some kind of barbeque sauce or maybe even a good sweet chilli.
Now, I’ve heard it said that the secret to any food is found in the way you make it. Was it made passionately and with love? Was it well thought through?
Well, hands down this chef really blew me off my feet. Let me show you how to make the perfect hot dog!! Check this very impressive video out as this chef kills it with heavy machinery. And by heavy machinery I mean an excavator!
Watch and learn: