With Christmas around the corner, we may all be in need of a midday nap. Do you know that there is an optimal way of napping so that you get the most benefit from it? Here’s all you need to know about how to nap properly.
People may experience a lack of sleep for many reasons. Whether it’s a noisy neighbour, dog barking or a small child keeping you up, getting enough sleep is vital. However, if you find yourself short on sleep, a daytime nap can go a long way to helping your body recover. On the other hand, if you are on holiday and have some time on your hands, a few good naps can help your body relax and unwind.
First of all, let’s look at the benefits of napping. Taking a nap or a short daytime snooze helps your brain reboot. In addition to this, it refreshes your body. There is however, a right and wrong way to nap. Here are some guidelines:
Power nap – This is a 10-to-20 minute snooze that will give you a boost of alertness. You can even try this in your car at work if you’ve had a rough day.
Memory nap – This 60-minute nap will help your cognitive memory processing. In addition, this nap helps you to remember places, facts and faces.
Ultimate nap – This 90-minute sleep ensures you get a full cycle of sleep. Getting a full cycle of sleep is paramount. It will help improve creativity and long-term memory.
Sleeping for longer than 90-minutes during the day will cause you to feel groggy upon waking. So before you lay down to take a little nap, set your alarm for either a power nap, memory nap or my personal favourite, the ultimate nap.
Napping ensures your body gets rest but that may not be all you need. You need rest for your soul also. This can only be found in a personal relationship with God, through His Son, Jesus. To find out more about this, click on the pop up or on the link below.