Let me start off with a warning. Since it seems to be in our blood, as guys, to do things that appear to be hopelessly irresponsible, please advance with CAUTION. Ladies, you’re probably just shaking your heads. Help your man out if he’s about to get out of hand and do something really stupid!
When I think back to my days as a boy scout, I can say that I’m pleased to have learned about how to tie a reef knot and a round turn and two half hitches. As much as knots are useful, nothing rates as highly as the opportunity to set something on fire! I loved making a mini fire-stove using old tins and although it took forever to boil a cup of water, that smokey cup of tea, held in soot covered hands, tasted so good!
When you’re outside getting ready to start your Saturday evening barbeque, you’ll probably use matches and some firelighter that you bought in a box or packet. But what about when you’re out in the wilderness and you need a fire for warmth, or to signal for help, or to grill the fish you just caught with your manly bare hands, but you don’t have any matches? What then? Well, I’ve got a small list here that will hopefully help you, and it all depends on what you have in your pockets, bag, or what’s lying around you.
Starting a fire using a cell phone and some steel wool:
Here’s a case of Don’t Try This at Home! If I was marooned somewhere and I’d already used my cell phone to call for help, or my phone was damaged, I’d then use it to start my emergency fire. The chances of you having some foil or even shards of steel wool? Well that’s a different story. Bear Grills uses the blade of his knife.
A ‘Prison Lighter’
This one also requires some things you might have with you: An AA battery and some thin foil or a chewing gum wrapper:; something you might well have in your pockets.
The Hand or Bow Drill
This is the one you’d see in the caveman cartoons! You simply roll a stick in your hand, (or in a bow) and the spinning stick causes friction on the piece of wood placed below it and a small glowing ember that breaks off is added to your tinder and with that; fire! A lot of elbow grease is required!
…and lastly
Starting a fire using water
Well, this doesn’t quite work like it sounds. The water is placed in a clear bag or a transparent plastic water bottle and used as a magnifying glass. Not great for a cloudy day, but if those are the only things at hand and the summer sun is bright, it could just do the trick. I really want to try this one!
There you have it; you can get some roaring flames going without the trusty match, and this could be all you need if survival is your main priority.
Be safe out there!