Ah, the joys and pains of living on planet earth and being part of that race called the human race. Life can be as much a thrill as it can be full of heartache and pain. Whether we like it or not, sooner or later, all of us will go through the experience of having our hearts broken. There are so many things that can break our hearts and leave us feeling helpless. It can be something as tragic as losing a loved one or it could perhaps be the pain of rejection one feels after an unsuccessful job interview. Whatever it is, it’s never really possible to measure things on a scale when it comes to matters of the heart. When it hurts, it hurts.
We all want to know how to survive a broken heart. When something comes across our paths that makes us feel like we’ll never recover, how do we deal with it? The following list isn’t the definitive be-all and end-all but it certainly is some stuff worth thinking as we get on the road to recovery:
1. Deal with the issue of ‘why me’. Often, one of the stumbling blocks to dealing with heartbreak is the feeling that we’re immune to bad things. For some reason, we are all guilty of believing that bad stuff shouldn’t happen to us. The reality, though, is that, for as long as we live on earth, we will come across both the good and the bad. Coming to a place of accepting this reality will, in some way, help us recover from broken hearts.
2. Respect the power of time. Let’s face it: When we’re going through something difficult and traumatic, it’s nearly impossible to feel that we’ll ever recover from it. Today feels like it will never end and days feel long and hard. But, somehow, through the power of time (depending on what we do with it, of course), we get stronger and realize that we can make it after all. It seems somewhat cliché to say this but “hang in there”.
3. Keep hope alive. At 1Africa, if there’s one message we’ll never stop pushing, it’s the message of hope. In a world gone strange, hope is the only thing that gives us energy to keep believing that things will improve. Probably the biggest enemy we have, when our hearts are broken, is despair. Whatever you’re going through or have gone through, don’t let the flame of hope die out. Somehow, some way, believe that you will make it through.
We hope these 3 simple but powerful pointers will help you if you are currently trying to get on the mend after a heartbreak. For us, coming specifically to the last point, there is no greater hope that we have than a conviction that there is a God and that He loves us. When we turn our hearts over to Him, He doesn’t guarantee us that the ugly stuff of life won’t happen to us but He promises that He will never leave us through it all.
If you want to know more about God and faith and want Him to help you if you have experienced heartbreak, please click on the banner below and check out our video there.