I have never been one to consume alcohol, for a number of reasons, but mostly because of the taste. I generally just don’t enjoy the taste of things like rum, vodka and other strong drinks. But there are those who absolutely love the flavour of a cider or a shot, or even a can of beer. I suppose alcoholic beverages could be likened to an acquired taste.
What works for one, certainly won’t work for another. We are so unique in our design, in our desires and aspirations. We have different approaches on how to deal with situations; we have unique gifts, talents and abilities. We look different and even smell different. Besides all of the obvious things that make you unique and make you ‘who you are’, what makes you that acquired taste?
If you haven’t noticed, you definitely are not everyone’s cup of tea! This might come as a slight shocker, but even the most good looking of men won’t attract all the ladies – sorry dude! The point is, there is something special about you and I that will either cause people to be attracted to us or absolutely repelled by us. Some call it the X-factor, some call it charm, or pizzazz. Whatever you call it, you have it, even if it’s hidden deep inside you, waiting to break out – you do have something very unique and special. And who knows, you might just be that very rare acquired taste that someone else needs to satisfy their tantalizing taste buds. This perhaps is a difficult thing for you to accept and believe, because in a world where beauty standards are set by the media and the modelling industry telling us that slim, tall and flat stomach is beauty, it’s easy to believe that if we don’t fit into this definition of beauty, we come in 2nd place especially when it comes to love and relationships. Even those who once told us we were their ‘type’, few years down the line began chasing after other types. Ever experienced that?
Human beings may have their own acquired tastes, which vary at times, but the One who created each one of us loves us as we are all the time. You were His ‘acquired taste’ long before you came into existence and you will always be His type. Here at 1Africa we’d like you to get to know more about this God who is never put off by anyone whom He took so much time and care to create. We’d like you to feel secure in His love and know that you will forever be a beauty in His eyes. But you need to start somewhere. One way is to click on the banner below as a beginning to that journey of discovery. You’ll check out a video that will explain more on how to know God.