On my way home yesterday, I caught a glimpse of a guy walking next to the freeway. On his belt was a tingling set of keys. How amazing is it, I thought to myself, that almost everyone knows what keys are – how they are made, and what they do. I love the thought that everyone has keys, and access to keys.
I got the keys: Besides this being the name of DJ Khalid’s new single and album, I thought this phrase is extremely relevant (so I guess it’s no surprise that this song has topped the charts, hitting 45 000 downloads/album sales within an week!).
The reason I’m so interested in this subject, is because I had a mini revelation on my drive home. You know the saying, “God opens doors”? It just became apparent to me that God has given us all keys – and we just have to listen to His timing on when to use them in order for doors to be opened.
Yes, you could just make your own keys (your own effort), but God’s doors are different. They don’t open with man-made keys, and they don’t close with man-made effort either.
When I think of all the keys God has given me, I’m so excited to unlock the correct doors – not in my time but in God’s time – and to step into what He has for me.
What do you believe God has given you? Are you ready to open new doors?