We all have different interests and hobbies, yes there might be similarities to the things that we’re drawn to, but on other levels we differ vastly. Some people really enjoy shopping, while others absolutely despise it. Some enjoy gardening, others enjoy art and being creative; still others enjoy playing sport or reading a book.
While there are so many different interests that we have, so many different things that bring us cheer joy and pleasure; one things most of us can agree on is FOOD!!! I LOVE FOOD! I don’t think there is anyone on this planet who does not enjoy eating good food. There is something magical that happens when you eat a meal you really enjoy. The explosion of flavours in your mouth! The freshness and crunchiness of the veggies, the soft and tender texture of that perfectly grilled steak, the genius texture of that well-cooked pap (maize meal). The list goes on and the menu might look different to you, obviously influenced by your culture and your cuisine style.
Bottom line, food feels good and makes us so happy. The best time to talk to someone about a serious matter or just to chat in general, is around the lunch or dinner table. People are at their happiest when eating and also most relaxed. It’s often said, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” A truer statement couldn’t possibly exist.
The danger with food is that the feel good aspect can be like a drug and you can actually get “hooked” on food and end up with eating disorders, just to feel good.
While food is a great conversation starter or ice breaker, remember to use it wisely, don’t overindulge. Rather consume portions suited to your body’s actual needs, not according to the eyes of your stomach.
There is so much talk about what food groups are healthy, what food to avoid, eat according to your blood type. It all gets a bit confusing.
Here is a short list of foods to include in your diet – they are vital to your body’s functionality:
- Fruit and vegetables
- Whole grains
- Protein
- Legumes
- Dairy
Obviously this is a brief list of suggested foods to include in your diet. You need to decide on the quantities and ratios of the various food groups according to your Body Mass Index as this takes into account your weight, height, your level of fitness and amount of exercise you engage in on a daily basis. You also need to be aware that certain food groups might not do your body well, especially if you have an intolerance or allergies towards them.
Now go on, take a bite of that beautiful red apple and crunch away!!