If you don’t know what the #FeesMustFall tag is all about then clearly you have been hiding in a bomb shelter for the last ten days or so feasting on those saved up cans of baked beans.

What began in one university has quickly spread across the country and the ripples have gone out to other African countries and resonated with universities across the world.


There are so many ways to show support in this.

One such way would be to educate your friends who might have watched a heavily skewed media showing reports of ‘hooligans destroying university property’ by linking them to helpful articles and video clips that give a more accurate account of the largely peaceful demonstrations that have been happening.

I have compiled blog posts giving a helpful view of #FeesMustFall giving a helpful view of #FeesMustFall that collate a number of very helpful articles, posts and personal involvement stories to help us help our friends get a clearer picture of what is going on.  There is so much being shared on Social Media. Choose what is helpful and share it and tag your friends in the posts.

If you are on the Twitterer, then click on the #FeesMustFall or #NationalShutDown tags and simply spend some time reading and following the various stories coming out of the different provinces about what is going down. That is also a good way to find out what is going down.

There are people collecting water and food and airtime and petrol money and more and it is quite easy to find out where the needs are and be part of that support.


Sorry for the Inconvenience but we are trying to change the world

“But what about my exams?” 

“I’ve got work to do”

“I’m a little busy.”

And so on. There are always reasons not to get involved, but this week in South Africa, right here and right now, this feels like something worth putting most things aside for.

History is being made.

During apartheid so many people were noticeable by their absence.

During the #RhodesMustFall movement it happened again.

This time the whole country is getting involved and i do not want to be on the wrong side of history again.


So yesterday, myself and my wife tbV [the beautiful Val] and some friends and staff from Christ Church Kenilworth decided to pitch up. I had been writing about #FeesMustFall on my blog and sharing articles and other peoples’ stories. But I realised early on that what was being shown in the media was not resonating with stories I was hearing from friends I knew who were there. I had to go and see for myself.

Yesterday’s UCT march and conversation with Max Price and some of the other Academics was completely peaceful [unlike some other moments] and I was there.


So there are a number of responses you can have to #FeesMustFall, and many of them are good and helpful, but it feels almost critical that we show up. Yes, many of us are busy and there are many things calling for our attention and so I’m not suggesting you drop everything and be at every part of this movement. But why not grab some friends and go and join a march, or sit in a discussion or host or join a prayer vigil. Dip your toes into this movement that the future of this country might be defined by.

As a follower of Jesus, He has called me to get my hands and feet dirty. He modelled this continually through mixing with the kinds of people a good rabbi like Himself was “not meant to be mixing with”.

#FeesMustFall is a movement where the spotlight has been put firmly on those considered “the least of these” in this country and we cannot miss out on being where we need to be.

Don’t let this opportunity to make a positive stand be missed because you felt that you had something better to do. Right now there is very little better to do.

For me personally, getting involved in #FeesMustFall felt like a natural extension of my faith in Jesus, which calls me to live out in action the things i believe. Have you responded to the call on your life?