Do you sometimes think you have been dealt a rough hand in life and everything you try fails, every great idea gets shut down, every time you say what you think or give your opinion it just gets looked past. Maybe you grew up poor, have been abused (mentally, physically or emotionally) do you find yourself at a disadvantage to everyone else?
If you answered yes to any one of those (and I think that is most of us) then I would say it is going to be very hard for you to have vision for your life, you are going to struggle to dream big or have any form of plan for where you want your life to go.
Often when we get to this point in our life we think “oh well that’s it this is my life from now on” HOW DEPRESSING. I can only say this because I have been there and speak out of a place of experience. Let me tell you now this is not a good place to be. This is where the Devil wants us in our thoughts and thinking, he wants us to live an average life with no dreams or ambitions.
I know this is going to sound weird and quite the opposite to what I just said but if you are in that bad place of thinking “oh poor me my life is over” then I’d say that is great news because it just means that you have such a big calling on your life. Why would the devil want to be playing with your thoughts so much if there wasn’t much to you? If you are feeling under attack in this area then it’s probably because YOU ARE UNDER ATTACK and you need to FIGHT BACK. Do not just stand there and take it!
The Bible says a lot of Good things about being prepared “in battle” so to speak.
In Ephesians 6:10 -20 it speaks about putting on the armour of God. I encourage you to read this scripture its powerful and its Truth to its fullest.
What I take from this is that when you are going through something in life you should face it head on and not run away or stand still but rather stand firm. God would not have given us weapons to fight if we were meant to run away. So I leave you with is quote:
” If you don’t like where you are
you are not a tree “
Author – Unknown
I say this with all the love in the world but if things in our lives are not going the way we want, let’s ask the question, what are we doing to change things? Our thought, our goals, our friends (show me your friends and I’ll show you your future) are we positioning ourselves in such a place that we can move if need be?
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Original Source : Taylored Heart Blog