We try our best to avoid desert seasons. We try to wish them away or we crumble at the seams and fall apart in those dry, desolate, not so fun desert seasons. Every season is significant, and leads into the next one. Therefore, seasons are just that – seasonal. Every season of life that we go through ultimately grows us and prepares us for the next season.
1 . It refines our character
- Going through tough times somehow shapes us, it can shape us for our good if we let it. Desert seasons challenge us, stretch us and equip us for what’s to come. Sometimes in the desert season we learn to let go, and get rid of things that are dead weight to us, for example: things that are no longer producing fruit in our lives.
- In the bible it talks about how God prunes us (edify our character) by removing branches that do not bear healthy fruit, so that we can produce healthy fruit.
He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. – John 15:2
2 . It gives us a fresh perspective
- Have you gone from feeling like you’re on top of the world, to feeling like you are stuck in a ‘Series of unfortunate events?’ It’s amazing how seasons can inspire and encourage a fresh perspective within us. Fresh perspective inspires gratitude and it shifts our focus onto more pressing things.
3 . It stirs our faith
- When it feels as if everything is falling apart, and like it’s going from bad to worse, we tend to feel in those moments that all we have is our faith. Our faith that God will intervene on our behalf, that only God can walk us through the fire and turn our situations around. When we seek God in our season, he starts to lead and direct our steps, He gives us his peace, and he replaces our fear and anxiety with hope. Hope that motivates us and encourages us to keep pressing forward.
When we start to look at our season for what it is, and change our perspective and attitude towards it, we then start to move differently within that season. Instead of feeling helpless and hopeless in our situations, we start to embrace it and let it teach us important lessons that will ultimately shape us and grow us in character. Sometimes, we just need to let go, and trust the process and trust that God is in control and that he is doing only what he can do, even when we don’t understand it at times.
Trust me when I say that you will not be forgotten, or be left behind in your desert season. God is working in and through your season, working it out for your good. Keep walking in your season with your head and heart held high, knowing that God will carry you through it.
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