As a believer in Jesus, I live with an eternal gratitude for what is so beautifully expressed in 1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.
I love that I’m different. I’m not the man I once was, and that I’m set apart. I answered the call of God on my life and that I’ve moved from a spiritual and therefore eternal experience of darkness, into the light that Christ brought to this earth. I love that! Let’s also be real for a moment. It’s been over a decade now that I’ve been a follower of Jesus, and the initial months or year that I started to understand what I’d received and the enthusiasm of that truth, started to wane. I believe this happens to many, but is not necessarily ok. In time, we can forget what got us so riled up in the first place and then we just seem to exist. We survive instead of thrive. We could debate why this happens, but what I want to concentrate on is to stop being that way. I’m still chosen, set apart, God’s special possession and called into His light but I live, act and feel like that is a concept that is true but not one reflected in my life experience. Life is hard and tough times like to linger, but living in the wonderful light of God is not only for Heaven one day or a concept we believe in faith but don’t experience, we can experience God’s kingdom here on earth too.
Despite the struggles I’ve had to endure for way too long, I’m trying to see my life from God’s perspective, and that would suggest to me that there’s a lesson in there, and some maturing that’s being promoted. God seems to work like that. But, until His work in me is done, I must simply endure this and wait. Let me get back to the ‘wonderful light’. Despite my circumstances 1 Peter 2 verse 9 never stops being true and my life needs to reflect that. Instead of throwing countless biblical concepts around, let me just share what I’ve been working through, and that is, my attitude. I’m experiencing what feels like nearly all of Paul’s 2 Corinthians 4:8 struggles but I don’t seem to carry his same attitude towards them. I’ve been living like I am crushed and destroyed and abandoned and that the life of Christ isn’t really working within me. Why would I allow myself to feel like I’m out of the glorious light and not being renewed daily? That would be like a direct insult to the truth around which I’ve chosen to wrap my entire belief system! It’s craziness! The problem then, lies directly with us, if we allow ourselves to feel this way. The solution then?
It’s not simple to execute, because that’s part of the difficulties of life, but it is simple to see, read, believe and attempt to implement. I believe it starts with a prayer of acceptance of the truth, repentance of the lies we’ve chosen to embrace, and the request for help to live out the truth.
Lord Jesus, please allow me live in your glorious light, every day, reflecting You and simply basking in the love that you feel for me, despite my circumstances. I am so sorry that I’ve been content to accept lies about my life in Jesus that I have conjured up and that the enemy has brought to mind. I AM more than a conqueror, Your Word says so, so please drive out the darkness that has come over me and anyone else that might feel this way. Give me a passion for the truth in Your Word and to allow my experience of life to reflect this Truth. For Your glory, and in Jesus’ name. Amen