In a world where the daily headlines read something like “10 die in terrorist attack” it’s easy to become overwhelmed with the feeling of helplessness. I mean, realistically, what can we do?
Well the truth is there probably isn’t much we can do to end world terrorism or the famine in Africa. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t do something. I think the problem we all have is that so often we want to change the world before we change our own community. We are so focused on the larger issues that we forget about the people in our lives. And because it is impossible to “change the world” we eventually lose hope and give up.
Not only does this have a negative impact on the world around us, but it also has a negative impact on ourselves, because we have lost the passion and desire to do something. I know this has happened to me before, where situations didn’t go as planned, and I ended up giving up on a project, instead of seeing it through.
The problem isn’t that we want to change the world, but rather the way in which we go about doing it. What we need to realize is that changing the world comes through helping our communities, one person at a time.
Here is an example of someone who identified a need and did everything is his power to help cater for it.
Just like the man in the video identified a need in his community, we too can identify needs in our community. What I love the most about this story is that even though the need seemed too great, he never lost hope because he knew he wasn’t doing it alone. Jesus has given us all gifts and talents that we can use to help those in and around our lives. You may not be able to open an orphanage, but you can still buy the homeless man around the corner supper. You see changing the world comes when we actually stand up and do something, no matter how big or small.
All we need to do is take that step of faith and just do it, I promise it will be worth it. God has equipped us, and he won’t let us fail. If we trust him and stand together we can make a difference in this broken world.
So make a choice to consciously make a difference in your world whether it be big or small.
If you would like to chat about how you can make a difference, or perhaps have some questions about God and faith, we would love to hear from you.