This is a question many within the Christian community struggle with, especially in this age where tattoos have become mainstream.
Before we respond to this question let’s ask ourselves: What does the Bible say about tattoos? Is getting a tattoo a sin?
To Tattoo or Not To?
I believe tattooing falls into the category of “disputable matters”, where the Bible is not clear. But wait a minute, you might be thinking: “The Bible says in Leviticus 19:28”, “Do not cut your bodies for the dead, and do not mark your skin with tattoos. I am the Lord.” (NLT) How much clearer can that be?
To properly address the question we need to understand and think about a few things. First, this portion of Leviticus, including the surrounding text, is addressing Israel’s behaviour and also how they should interact with the “non-Christian” nations around them.
God’s desire is to set His people apart from other cultures. The focus here is prohibiting the people of Israel to engage in idolatrous or other kind of rituals that nations around them were involved in. God did this out of protection, because He knew this would lead them away from the one true God.
So why the prohibition against tattoos? Because one of the physical characteristics of other communities around Israel was that they marked themselves with tattoos. God did not want Israel to identify themselves or be externally identified in any way with these nations, including how they physically looked.
By way of a modern day example: today it is perfectly fine for women to wear pantyhose. However, pantyhose were popularized by prostitutes in Italy hundreds of years ago. So, if an Italian pastor back then asked the ladies of his congregation to not wear pantyhose, it would be because he didn’t want them to be identified with prostitution and thus telegraph the thought that the Church was involved in such immorality.
So, the important question remains, is getting a tattoo a form of “worship” still forbidden by God today? The answer is, this matter is disputable.
The Bible makes it clear that God cares about the inside of a person more than the outside. And at the same time it instructs us to not conform to the patterns and cultures of this world.
If you are considering the question, “To tattoo or not to?” I think the more serious questions to ask yourself are: What are my motives for wanting a tattoo? Am I seeking to glorify God or draw attention to myself? Will my tattoo be a source of contention for my loved ones? Will getting a tattoo cause me to disobey my parents? Will my tattoo cause someone who is weak in the Christian faith to stumble?
God has given us a means to judge our motives and weigh our decisions. Romans 14:23 states, “…everything that does not come from faith is sin.” Now that’s pretty clear!
Instead of asking, “Is it okay for a Christian to get a tattoo,” perhaps a better question might be, “Is it okay for me to get a tattoo?” Since tattooing is such a controversial issue today, I think it’s important to examine your heart and your motives before you make the decision.
Ultimately, the decision is between you and God. Though it may not be a black and white issue, there is a right choice for each individual. Take some time to honestly ask yourself serious questions, then God will show you what to do. If you are not sure how to begin a conversation with God, or would like to understand Christianity better, please click on the pop-up banner below.
Parts of content sourced from christianity.about.com, compellingtruth.org