We’ve all made mistakes, done something that we aren’t proud of. Perhaps even turned our backs on family and loved ones. But do we have to live with these mistakes for the rest of our lives; does it have to be the end of the road?
The answer is NO.
You see, no matter what you’ve done, whether it be big or small, you are forgiven. Not because you have earned the forgiveness, but because there is a God who loves you no matter what you’ve done. That’s the beauty of grace. It isn’t just for a select few, it’s for everyone. We have all at one stage done something that is “unforgivable”, yet God looks passed that and forgives us anyway.
There is nothing you have done that can ever separate you from the love of Christ. You will always be welcomed home by a Father that loves and forgives you.
All we have to do is make a choice to accept Christ’s love and forgiveness and live a life of freedom and fulfilment.
We don’t deserve it, we might not always understand it and yet we still receive it. This is what makes grace so amazing.