I love the way horses run around when they’re unbridled. Their heads are high and they look so powerful and the way their manes are blown by the wind and glisten in the sunlight just shouts ‘FREEDOM’! On that note, I am trying to encourage my thoughts to do the same! Stop laughing. It’s true.
Don’t you ever get so caught up in your usual way of thinking that nothing seems fresh and original? Sometimes you end of taking other people’s opinions as your own just because you couldn’t be bothered to think! Been there?
I’m not there yet, but it’s getting close. And so to avoid being dead in the head, I’ve opened the stable door of my mind! What has bolted into the paddocks is both disturbing and frightening but to confess, I can’t ‘un-think’ these thoughts, so now I’m simply going to spur them along.
Rules. Have they been made to be broken, or is that the thinking of a rebel? Jesus was considered a rebel but still didn’t sin. Aren’t rules there because boundaries are important, or does it depend on who sets the rules? This is not where I’ve ended up, but this is sort of where my thoughts started to trot. I doubt any of my thoughts are going to win the derby of originality, this must be said. But I think I’ll hold onto them for the next time I’m at a boring dinner party. That’ll liven things up!
Is it ok to lie? The Bible says that we must never bring a false witness, our yes should be our yes and that to God, lying is an abomination. So what then about a lie that could save your life? ‘Admit to this or that, or we’ll chop off your finger!’ They might do something worse than make piano playing difficult for you. ‘I did it for my family, even if God is displeased.’
I don’t think what I’m thinking is important, because they are fairly contentious questions, but at least I’m thinking. Are you letting your mind go to just wander about life: big issues, small issues, nonsense, fun stuff, irrelevant stuff? Ask, debate, wonder, be impassioned, have an opinion but please just think! Make up your own mind, or someone will make it up for you.