I have often heard the scripture
“A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men” – Proverbs 18: 16
in church among leaders. At the time I considered this as a bit of a ‘pie in the sky’ idea, assigned to the elite. Never really exploring what this scripture could mean for me, until I experienced this principle in my life and it totally blew my mind.
As with most things, we learn best through experiences. Are you sitting on a gift and wondering if you will ever get an opportunity to showcase it to the world, or if you will ever be able to progress in what God has given you?
Here are four things you need to realise about your gift.
You actually have one
I discovered my gift in high school. I never really thought I was good at anything until someone threw me in at the deep end. Perhaps you’re in the same place. It is important that you realise that each of us have a gift that God has given us. If you don’t know where to start identifying your gift, examine the things you’re really good at.
Take time to cultivate your gift
The more time you spend on your gift. The better you get at it. If I look back at things I wrote 4 years ago, compared to now, I can literally see how I have grown. Don’t be afraid to seek advice from people who have already enhanced their gift. This can be really useful to your progress.
You will face failure and you will arrive at stop streets.
Nobody is born with a deep sense of love for failure, and nobody likes stagnating in their jobs, home life, or relationships, but at times it happens. When it does, it is important that you have a healthy perspective on it. Choose to see the positive side to your failures, you’ll learn your greatest lessons.
Don’t be afraid of the deep-end
I always had a thousand excuses when it came to using my gift or showcasing it to others, especially in church. But, I have learnt that people will throw you in at the deep end, but you can choose whether you’ll sink or swim.
Your gift will make room for you.