The world could do with more kindness. I’ve written before that a little kindness goes a long way, and it’s true. It doesn’t take a huge act to be kind – in fact, it’s normally the little and seemingly random gestures that can have the largest impact. Although this is true, kindness isn’t always easy. At times, being kind is the last thing you feel like doing and it helps if your act of kindness somehow benefits you.
Easier said than done
The dictionary definition of kindness is: being friendly, generous, and considerate.
On the face of it being kind doesn’t seem all that hard but in a world that tells us that only the strong survive or that it’s each man for himself, thinking of others isn’t always easy. Making someone else’s needs or feelings a priority is not exactly paramount if your approach to life is that it’s you against the world. It’s much easier being kind to someone who can do something for you or who you know will be kind in return. Let’s face it, being generous or considerate of others can allow someone else to get ahead, possibly at our own expense. But is it right that our kindness comes with conditions?
All is not what it seems
The answer to that question is, no! True kindness is unconditional with no strings attached. When we are kind, we create a feeling of togetherness and trust. If we are only kind because it gets us something or somehow benefits us our kind acts become hollow and manipulative. You can’t build trust with people who have ulterior motives and kindness born out of selfish gain always seems to be found out as being insincere.
It’s easier to be kind to others when you’re confident that your position or role is secure. When you know who you are and what your value is it’s easier to be generous to others because you know it doesn’t take anything away from who and what you are. Insecure people want to guard what they have and are too busy looking out for themselves to be truly generous and considerate of others.
Walk this way
The Bible encourages us to be kind to each other, showing compassion and forgiveness in the same way that Jesus has been kind and compassionate towards us. The kindness that Jesus has shown to us is completely without condition. We don’t have to return the favour to benefit from his kindness or somehow earn the privilege to be worthy of his generosity. Even though we may not deserve it, Jesus is still kind to us and that is the type of kindness He wants us to extend to others.