One hour left. You’re writing your final exams and two hours have already passed, but you’re only half way through the test! Panic, urgency and the already existing knot in your stomach tightens!!
No matter how you approach the ticking hands of the clock, they will always remain the same. A moment in time that will always remain 60 minutes, no more, and no less.
Imagine for a moment that you are tired, so tired that the remaining hour of your working day just seems to tarry for too long!! You check the clock, and it reads 15:05. You work a little more, and you feel the need to glance over at the clock in the corner of your PC monitor, because it does in fact feel like a substantial amount of time has passed since the last time you checked, and you at this stage need to confirm what you feel, that it is indeed, at least 15:30.
To your absolute horror you discover that it is indeed only 15:15, what a disappointment!
On the flip side. You might be working really hard and things are going well for you on one particular day. You cast your eye at the clock and it reads 15:00. What feels like a short lapse in time turns out to be an hour gone, and to your absolute amazement, its 16:00.
Same amount of time, just different circumstances causing a different ‘feeling’ towards time. There are some real truths about time that we can’t escape, no matter how hard we try:
- The time you’re given on earth is all the time you have, there is no time extension. When your time comes to die, you are at the end of the line, and time’s up.
- The past remains in the past. There is no time machine, no device which would allow you to relive the ‘wrongs’ and make them ‘rights’.
- Live in the here and now!
Sometimes we get so caught up living in the past, pondering on our mistakes, or good days gone by, but forget to live in the moment, the here and now! To be relevant to our present instead of being absent in our responsibilities simply because we’re living in the past, or even dreaming about our future.
I think just about every human being during the course of their lives has had the thought “If I only had one hour left to live, what would I do?”
I remember as a child thinking along those lines and imagining what I’d do with my hour. I remember thinking that I would gather all my friends and family and tell them all what they mean to me and that I’d miss them very much. I also imagined that I’d speak to as many people as I could about Jesus and His amazing love.
If you knew you only had one hour left to live, what would you do in your final hour of life, how would you spend the time? Whatever we go through, we must never forget that it’s not over until it’s over.
More importantly, where will you spend eternity once you die? Will you enter into eternal life with Jesus or do the flames of hell seem like a better fit?
If you have questions about God, faith and eternity, please click on the banner below.