Mankind has found many topics to debate and discuss. Philosophers pour hours into understanding life, psychologists spend big money and many years of studies trying to analyse and understand the mind of man, the reasons we do things, who we are and what makes us the way we are…
When it comes to specifics, there are a number of people who have been discussed and analysed at length – often causing great controversy in the process. Now, some people naturally lend themselves towards such discussions just by sheer means of their nature, mostly those who go against the grain and challenge the status quo.
Jesus is one of those people. He was a king, born in a stable. Not wrapped in fine linen and raised in a palace, but surrounded by animals at birth. This already begins to mess with your mind. Jesus, so you think you know Him? In His adulthood He befriended the worst of the worst. Think for a moment of society and who the worst of the worst are in this modern day – well, that’s who Jesus hung out with. Prostitutes, liars, cheaters – you name it!
I know without a shadow of a doubt that as you’re reading this you have many personal opinions of Jesus – you might love Him, you might despise Him.
However you feel about Jesus, my hope is that you will discover Him for yourself and not have an understanding of Him based on what others have said or how ‘supposed’ Christians have treated you.
Please click on the link below and discover Jesus for yourself – He is not the warped person you think He is.