I like Michelle Williams. The poor lady has had to put up with so much, with being a third of Destiny’s Child and seeming to always play second fiddle to Beyoncé and Kelly. It seems more like ‘third fiddle’ if you check out the #PoorMichelle pages that litter the ‘net. I can’t help but feel for her, seeing a whole tribe out to discredit her amazing abilities, all for a laugh and to prove a point we all seem to be buying into. 8 Grammy nominations and 1 coveted golden gramophone clearly speak of her abilities and then we haven’t even spoken about other pop and gospel music silverware and what a great stage actress she is. She has had her fair share of struggles and it’s not all the fault of rude ‘fans’, as she has battled with clinical depression for many years, with days that she had to just will herself out of bed and do whatever she needed to, to be happy.
She’s come a long way since those days and knowing what you’ve just read, it’s easy to figure out why her latest solo album is called ‘Journey to Freedom’. Williams said, in relation to Journey to Freedom: “I’m still standing; stronger and free from what people think. I’m here to do me. And that’s what this journey is about: encouraging people to trust their inner voice and go for it.”
I’m still standing; stronger and free from what people think. I’m here to do me.
Journey to Freedom has been available to download for a while now, actually, just over 2 weeks, and it’s one for your collection. I’m not just saying that. As a citizen of Africa, the beats hit home. The African rhythms are contagious and combine it with the words ‘If Jesus says yes, nobody can say no’, you’ve got a gospel hit. And, in what the media might call an ironic twist, the truth about her relationship with her Destiny ‘girls’ shines through as she teams up with Beyoncé and Kelly Roland to bring us the hit single. We’ve waited over 5 years for Williams’ album and it’s a whole different Michelle we’re getting here. 12 tracks in all make up Journey to Freedom, with help from some of mainstream R&B’s biggest names, and it makes you want to dance, with the messages of strength, hope and joy shining through. The lead single, which features Fantasia, is called ‘If we had your eyes’ and speaks of life seen from God’s perspective. It initially comes across as fairly generic but there’s one thing I’ve learned about music through the years is that although the true heart is found in the lyrics, having a sure hit will require a riff or hook that catches you off guard with a magnetism that grabs and holds you for reason you can’t put into words. This song might not have that, but it has heart and Michelle’s reputation to carry it through and the last minute of the song might just be the highlight, with that ‘realness’ shining through as Michelle ‘talks’ to us about life.
Making this album has done something remarkable to Michelle Williams.
Making this album has done something remarkable to Michelle Williams. We are getting a glimpse of a real person; not hidden behind other big names, or illness or insecurity. She has a heart overflowing with experiences that might resonate with what you’ve been through. She has come through it singing, and it’s contagious.
Rating: 7/10