Joy is a powerful driving force which finds itself hidden in the depths of one’s heart. It’s more than excitement, more than happiness and more than contentment. While happiness is something we all long for, it’s temporary and sporadic, dependent upon situations and circumstances. Joy, on the other hand, is something far more permanent, and joy cannot be contained. It stirs from deep within and manifests itself outwardly, a very evident and noticeable character trait. Not only is joy noticeable, but it is very contagious. People love surrounding themselves with joyful people.
You could lose your job and have joy; you could suffer the loss of a loved one and still have joy. Joy isn’t some phony fake smile you put on your dial to help you cope with life’s struggles. Rather, it is the assurance, knowledge and understanding that comes from knowing God, and knowing Who He is and what He is capable of.
When life beats against you with waves of fury and your entire world feels like it’s falling apart, that’s when you have the peace deep inside to keep you grounded and intact.
I went through a very rough patch last year which drove me to a place of utter misery and what seemed like depression. Even though what I went through was traumatic and painful, I still had joy – the ability to smile and rely on God’s strength, the ability to depend on people I trust, instead of withdrawing and removing myself from the world.
No matter how dark your life may seem right now, you too can have joy. You too can have that deep inner peace which comes from knowing God.
If you need joy and peace in your life, please click on the banner below.