Oh yes – we’re going there. I don’t know what your attitude with God might be right now, but I hope you allow me to get a bit real on this subject. There are many reasons why people would think they could judge God (or the concept of God). Everything from the boundaries of our understanding through to the suffering in this world can lead to judgements on the presence or interest of a higher power. There are those who would argue against one specific god – saying there are many ways to reach a ‘heightened spiritual experience’. This leads to people choosing the god they ‘prefer’ which, in essence, makes them bigger than their god.
But judging God is not only an issue for those who struggle to believe in the one and only God – the highest power ever – God the Father. I know many Christians who judge God without even realizing it. I have personally judged God. In the Bible it is very clear that Jesus is the ultimate judge. And even in our struggles and injustices we have no right, or footing, to judge Him.
You can’t put God on trial. If you think you can, it immediately exposes a few flaws in your perspective of who He is. So if you are angry – if there are things that you want to blame God for, here are a few things to remember:
God doesn’t ‘let things happen’
Many of us think that everything that happens to us or around us is first ‘signed off’ by heaven. Now it is true that God is completely all-powerful. It is true that He has ultimate rule over this earth. But He also gave us choice. The consequences of man’s decisions are not simply filtered out so that we don’t have to experience them. Judgement involves an understanding of justice. As much as God sees each of us individually, He also sees humanity as a whole.
When there is injustice that we want to pin onto God, we have to first turn to our fellow-man and realize that it was the bad, selfish decisions of others that have resulted in our hardship. God is not indifferent to your suffering. He’s not ignorant or flippant about the presence of injustice in your life. He agonizes and longs to transform the issues you are facing, but rejecting Him or judging Him denies Him the ability to do it in your life.
God intentionally gave us choice – a life with Him, or a life without Him. Every decision we make either allows God in, or keeps Him out of our individual stories.
God is a Father, not a manager
God is not a punisher for the sake of punishment. He is a discipliner who loves us dearly and wants us to grow in relationship with Him.
Let’s be honest. Life is hard. As a young adult learning the ropes of being independent and successful I find myself struggling with multiple problems at the same time. Whether it is employment, finances, self-worth, comparison, ambition or downright suffering there are moments where I have looked at God and all I want to say is, “I have been faithful. I am doing my best to be obedient. But it doesn’t look like you care.”
That kind of frustration leads to an anger that is easy to direct at God when there is no one else to blame. But I recently read a passage in the Bible when Jesus was put on trial by the religious leaders of Israel. As Jesus was standing in front of them, many came and tried to accuse Him of things He had said and done. But nothing worked. What was most aggravating is that Jesus refused to even respond to them. They could not provoke Him.
I honestly heard as clear as day God say to me, “If you put me on trial, I will be silent.” Now as someone who has come to value God’s direction and input in my life, I realized that there is no way I would want Him to be silent.
Have you ever been so angry that no matter what people say, think, or do you refuse to be influenced by them? I have realized that many of us can be like that with God. If we actually stop raging at Him, He will be able to speak and comfort us. God is a father. He wants to comfort you in your frustration. He is in your corner. He wants to help you process your emotions and find a way forward. He wants to work with you in transforming your problems. All we need to do is to stop shaking our fists at Him and open our hands so that He can hold them – and lead us where we need to go.
In my personal experience doing this reminded me that God is a good father who comforts, reassures, encourages, leads and protects. If you want to find that love that is more important than any of your issues or injustices, click on the link below. His love overwhelms guilt, shame, your insecurities and your pain.