Have you ever considered how much you know? Think about it. You most likely spent a decade or more in some kind of schooling system. Add to that all of the information you’ve read and gleaned since then. That’s a lot of knowledge! I love finding out new things. Discovering how things work or a better way of tackling a problem but I’ve found that just because the information is out there doesn’t always mean it’s making a difference.
Not just head knowledge
I posted a blog earlier this week about how parents can deal with their child’s selective hearing. My mom read it and emailed me to say: “Hi Sweetheart, Great blog! You know all the theory. I wish I knew all that when I was younger. It’s just putting it into practice that is always the challenge. xx”
As always my mom is right. Just knowing something is fairly pointless if that’s as far as it goes. You have to put that knowledge to use for it to be of any value.
Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad – Miles Kington
Becoming a doer
The bible talks about people who are satisfied with just knowing. It says that those who hear (or know) and don’t act are like someone who looks in a mirror, walks away, and two minutes later have no idea what they look like.
Information is great but it won’t change anything unless it’s applied. I can know that to lose weight I need to eat less and exercise more but until I start doing those things I’m going to stay the same size I’ve always been. In the same way I can know that God is real and wants to play a part of my life but until I take a step towards building a relationship with him that knowledge isn’t having any impact. The simple truth is that with knowledge comes responsibility. If you have information that will make your life better or open new doors for you but don’t do anything with it, you can’t blame anyone other than yourself. It’s up to you what you do with the knowledge you have. God loves you. He sent Jesus to earth to make it possible for you to know him. What you do with that knowledge is your decision.
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