There are moments in life when, in the midst of the chaos and confusion we see around us, something fills us with hope. We are reminded at such times that, no matter what we are going through, there is always room for faith that a better day will come. Such is the story of Kayla Jean Mueller, an American aid worker who was taken captive by jihadist group ISIS in 2013, and has now been confirmed dead. She was 26. Last year, she wrote a letter to her family while in captivity and this letter is beginning to be symbolic of hope in an age where violence prevails.
In the letter, she speaks of having nothing bad to say about her captors and declares that, ultimately, all she can surrender to is the creator. You can read the full transcript of Kayla Mueller’s extraordinary letter here.
Whatever we go through in life, it is possible to be sustained by faith and hope, even when things look darkest. Kayla Mueller, and many others like her around the world, provide us with reminders that hurt, pain and tragedy don’t need to kill our spirits and finish us off. Though it’s extremely hard, we can thrive in the midst of adversity.
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In everything, keep hope alive.