Have you ever been in a very busy restaurant where the tables are overflowing with clients and the restaurant is short staffed? Those poor waiters run around like headless chickens trying to remember orders, place them, deliver them on time; and doing all this while keeping everyone happy. Phew, I’m tired already!
We all have responsibilities, from the youngest child in the house to the adult father and mother. We have chores and cleaning duties as children, as parents we must work and generate income and at the same time be the best role models to our children by instilling great values and morals into them. It doesn’t stop there. We have plenty of other commitments that we need to fulfill. We have other family and friends who demand our attention, we have work functions, extramural activities as children in school, church or other organisations that we’re part of – and the list goes on.
I think too often we are like those spinning waiters, we run around wild trying to please everyone, trying to keep them all happy. We obviously have our core responsibilities that we cannot shy away from, that would be a terrible mistake. But we can manage our other activities better, we can also manage our time in a more sensible way. People who complain about not having enough time on their hands are most often those who consume around 2 to 3 hours of TV a day – that’s just one example of time poorly spent, but don’t judge the TV fanatic, you too have your time wasters 🙂
So what’s the solution to keeping everyone happy in this rat race? Take 10 minutes out of your busy schedule, divide a page in two sections and draw up a short, but thorough list of all your core responsibilities – the ones that you absolutely cannot live without on the one side. These would include your job, your family responsibilities, gym or exercise – things that are vital to your existence, etc. Then on the other half, draw up a list which would include all your time wasters – and be honest. You should include everything that is not essential to your life that you, in all honesty, could do without.
You are not superman or superwoman, you physically and mentally cannot please everyone, it will burn you out and you’ll come to despise the things you once enjoyed.
If you are struggling to get some balance and order in your life, why not contact us and we’ll give you some awesome guidance as to how you can live a slightly less stressful life. Click the banner below and contact us today!