The pursuit of happiness is common to all of us. In fact, one nation – the United States of America – has placed so much value on this pursuit that they have made it a part of their Declaration of Independence. Other countries may not necessarily use this exact term but the thinking is the same. We all want to be happy and satisfied with our lives in one way or another.
Recognizing that it’s a brand new year and that we all want to make 2015 count, we thought we would share with you 4 keys to happiness in 2015.
1. Forget the past. Whatever happened happened. There is no use thinking about it or letting it destroy you on the inside. If at all you are going to think about the past, it should only be as a fuel for what’s ahead
2. Be generous. There is so much more value in doing things that impact others than in living a self-centered life. Think of the great people you respect and admire. It’s likely that you know them because of their generosity at some level
3. Demonstrate love. Love is a language we all understand. When we show it to others, it not only touches their lives, but it changes ours too
4. Work at it. Whatever you want to see in 2015 won’t happen by waving a magic wand . You will need to be consistent and be diligent about some things. Yes, there are many things that are out of our hands but a good number we can do something about. Don’t be lazy
That’s it!
We hope that as you put some of these actions into practice, you will see some things happen and get better for you in 2015.
You may be reading this list now and wondering if we just sucked our thumbs to create a list so we could join the bandwagon of folks putting out New Year articles on happiness all over the web. If you are thinking this, the answer is a simple ‘no’. We didn’t come up with any of these things but each one is actually grounded in truth that has stood the test of time.
As we enter 2015 and look forward to it being an amazing year, we want to share more of these wonderful principles with you as well as our faith in a creator who is able to give us the strength to make them all a part of our lives.
Please click on the banner below or the popup as you scroll down to begin this journey with us. Even if you disagree of have questions, we’d love to hear from you.
May 2015 be a year that is filled with happiness and fulfillment for you!