This week my child turned two. Since meeting her 730 days ago, she has set about trying to teach me some Big Lessons. It’s like God sent her to live with us and made ME her main assignment. She’s taking her role pretty seriously.
And she’s already driving. OK, not quite, but I know she’d give it a good go if I left the keys in the ignition and her in the driver’s seat. I mean, doesn’t her face just say, “C”mon dad – let me try”?
But I won’t, not to worry. Because thanks to this Little Tutor I’ve already learnt important stuff like that.
You see, besides trying to stay awake at work during these first two bleary-eyed years, I have also mastered some fairly crucial baby care tips. Like these:
I think I’ve got most of that stuff sorted now, and I am about to enter my Third Year in the University of Practical Parenting. And although I have come a long way, the lessons keep coming thick and fast. Yes, life with kids is hectic, and it seems this is pretty universal.
Have you seen this video?. A few year’s ago I would have scorned this kind of trite humour. Now I’m whistling its tune at 3am while changing another toxic nappy and avoiding lethal kicks to my manly bits.
Nice job, parent rappers. How’d you find the energy to come up with that?
But, more seriously – perhaps the most valuable lesson that my daughter has taught me so far is that there is plenty of room for error when it comes to raising kids. There are millions of moms and dads all over the world just like me, guessing and blundering their way through parenting. And most kids make it through to adulthood! I did, and I’m pretty sure my good old mom and dad were about as clueless as me.
Somehow in the Amazing Grace offered by God the Perfect Parent… I can be confident that I have what it takes to raise Liya. That as long as I stay engaged in and wholly committed to this “Dad Degree” I signed up for 2 years ago, she is going to become the princess her Father intended her to be. And her tired but proud parents will keep learning about Grace and Life and Love all along the way.
I plan to graduate with Honours one day.