In the Bible, the Book of John 16:33, Jesus says, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Out job is then to ask the Lord to show us how He has “overcome” our problems, our worries, our anger, our fears and our guilt.
The Lord reveals to us through His Word, the Bible, that we can be of good “cheer,”. We get to learn that we can:
1) Rejoice in our problems because God will use them to our benefit.
2) See our “worries” as an opportunity to trust the Lord with all our hearts and acknowledge Him.
3) Counteract our anger by obeying.
4) Deal with any sinful feelings by believing and acting upon the truth of John 1:19. All of our problems can be dealt with through simple faith in God’s Word.
The Bible teaches us that if we admit our sins and confess them, He will forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Start by freely admitting all your faults. Hold nothing back. Admit them to God and to people. Don’t make excuses or place blame elsewhere. As you do this, you will experience a new freedom, and your relationship with Jesus and with people will improve greatly. I have found that if I tell people my faults before they find them on their own, neither one of us is as bothered by them. Be open with people. Most people respect and admire honesty and openness. It is what we try to hide that comes back to haunt us.
Invite Jesus into every area of your life. Don’t hide your faults from Him. He knows all about them anyway. Don’t hold anything back; give God everything!
God is bigger than all our worries and problems put together, and we must realize that if we are to have any victory in our lives.
If you would like to connect with God in a relationship of trust, where you know you can confidently leave all your worries and concerns to Him, click on the banner below.