The truth is that every single one of us has so much potential – so much to offer this world. Granted, sometimes you need to know what you are capable of to outwork your potential, but I believe that outside of developing skills everyone is capable of pretty much anything.
If I stopped writing this moment, walked straight out of the room and put on training clothes, went for a run and kept running indefinitely I could run a marathon. Physically, I would be drained. I would need sustenance and immense will-power. But because I have functioning legs it cannot be ruled out as impossible.
The thing is, potential holds every solution to the problems of this world. The answers for the world around you probably lie somewhere within your capabilities. But there are two factors that will keep you from making those solutions a reality:
Have you ever tried to start something? Have you ever had all the inspiration, but you could not find a way to begin? You had all the vision, all the resource, all the time – but no spark. I have been so frustrated in times like these. You can have your dream laid out before you. You can see all the good that could come out of your life, but you have no way of getting there. It is as if you are holding the pen to your story, but have writer’s block. You can start questioning yourself when this happens: “Is this all in my head? Am I crazy to think I can do this? Do I really want this dream?”
Standing on the shore of your reality and watching the horizon of possibility can be demoralising. I wish I had an answer for people who are in this dilemma. All I can say is that I can identify. If you believe in God, you need to believe there is a greater perspective than your own. And as much as you have no idea where to start living your future, God knows exactly what is happening. He doesn’t have writer’s block. He’s probably working behind the scenes setting you up for a win right now.
To start means to begin. To go from a point of being stationary to moving. It is action-based. Not many spectators pay attention to the start of a marathon. Looking at how someone begins running doesn’t really give you any indication of whether they are going to win. The thing is that they just began moving and then applied their technique. The only thing we can do if we are struggling to start is to make sure we are not motionless.
Get busy doing what you can. Whatever is available to you has been placed there for a reason. If we don’t stop engaging with life, we will find our way. Someone once said it is easier to steer a moving vehicle than a stationary one. Just keep moving.
Sometimes we can start out in a direction and be doing well. We could see progress in our lives and be excited about new things up ahead. But turning potential into solid reality requires wisdom. Me trying to sprint 42 kilometers would be ludicrous. I would probably damage myself considerably in the process. Training would also be extremely helpful in the scenario. How sustainable will my progress be?
I have seen so many aid-based missions fail because they have had all the resource, vision and excitement but no wisdom concerning long-term sustainability. I don’t know about you, but whatever I do in life, I want it to last much longer than I ever will. Meaningful change requires us to think long-term.
Asking for help is not always easy, but we were never meant to live life by ourselves on our own terms. We would all be little islands of disaster. There is no greater source of wisdom than God. He doesn’t only know how to get you to a destination, but how to keep you healthy on the way. He knows what you can handle.
Sometimes we will grow tired. Sometimes we will want to stop. Sometimes we will want to give up all together, but wisdom will keep us moving forwards.
Being capable of something is great. Actually doing it is a whole lot better, though. It’s a new year. There are new possibilities for all of us. I know for a fact that a whole lot of people are going to apply their potential to reality and grow this year. If you are struggling to start, however, I would like to encourage you to look beyond yourself. Look to God. If you are tired and don’t feel like you can carry on, do the same. Look to God. He is the author and finisher of you story.
If you want to find out more about how he can be relevant to you, click on the link below.