I recently turned 21 years old and since then I have been living my best life. Now, I know when you get older people always ask you:
How does it feel like to be 21? Do you feel different? Do you feel older?
To be honest, I had never felt any of these things about my age until I turned 21. It was not because of all the excitement associated with being 21, it was more of an appreciation that I was alive for 21 years. When I realised God had kept me for 21 years, I threw out my old ways of thinking and I introduced my new way of thinking: From today onward, I am living my best life.
How do you do this? Simple:
Live for today
This may seem like such a cliché but really, it is one that works. You only fully begin to live life to fullest, when you stop walking in the “then” and start living in the “now”. You have been called for this moment, not the one that has already passed.
Live for yourself
When you stop living out other people’s version of your life, you begin to live your best life. Living your life for yourself, is the best way to not only honour yourself but it also allows yourself the security to pursue you. Ultimately resulting in you : living your best life.
Live for Jesus
I know living for Jesus can be a scary thing. Why would Jesus want someone like me to live for Him? because He loves you! It is as simple as that. Jesus chose death and gave you life. So of course He wants you to live your best life, by living for Him. When you live your life for Christ you’re already living for the best and so by default you are: living your best life
The cause of me living my best life was not sparked by the change in my age but rather the change in my attitude. When you start to think about life differently, you begin to live differently. When your life becomes less centred around what other people want from you and more about what God wants for you and what you want for yourself; you start to: live your best life and have the best time doing it.