Our family is on the move again. After living in three different countries across three different continents over the last seven years and moving house a number of times, I’m looking forward to finally being out of rented accommodation and into our own house. And, hopefully we’ll stay put for a good many years.
Although there are many advantages to living in different countries, we’ve had to make new friends with every move and that hasn’t been easy.
Our children may love spending time with us, but what they love even more is hanging out with friends. Children love being with other children and it’s great to see them enjoying good friendships.
Over the last few weeks we’ve been working on our new house at weekends, before travelling back to our rented accommodation during the week. Last weekend our nine-year-old twins had a go at introducing themselves to some of the children in the new area. Their first attempt was a miserable flop though. As I watched from inside the house, I saw their dejected faces and slumped shoulders as their initial efforts were shunned. When they walked into the house, I wanted to scoop them up into my arms and hold them forever. Although my heart was breaking, I held back the tears and asked God to help me encourage them.
I reminded them of how awesome they are, of how they get to choose their friends, how they’ve made friends before and how they’ll make friends again, but it may not happen on the first day. I challenged them not to give up after the first attempt and then prayed for them.
After my pep-talk, they played in our new back garden for a while before asking if they could go outside again and play with the children in the neighbourhood. My heart raced but I let them go and then, I prayed even harder.
I couldn’t stand to watch them though and quickly found something else to do. Not long after, my husband called me. He pointed out the window to where our children were now happily playing with the other children. They were taking turns on the bikes and scooters and playing with the skipping rope, both of them chatting away with all the kids, like they were old friends.
As the corny but true saying goes; “What’s the best vitamin for making friends? B1”
Everyone needs a good friend or two and as our children see us investing in our friendships, they’ll have the courage to develop their own.
These days, connection with people through social media alone is making us socially inept and awkward. The more we intentionally aim to meet with people face to face, the better we’ll get at it and the greater the rewards will be.
May you have the grace, wisdom and courage to be a good friend, make good friends and equip your children to choose good friends.