The world waited with bated breath for the boxing match billed as The Fight of the Century. Two of the greats of the sport came face to face and battled it out to seal their place in history. Manny
“Pac-man” Pacquiao went head to head with Floyd “Money” Mayweather Jr in what was, without doubt, the most watched boxing bout of the past decade. In the end, only one man could emerge victorious. Regardless of what you may think of the outcome, Mayweather won and this boxing match will be talked about for a long time to come.
This post is about something else, though.
It’s always amazing to get insight into what makes high achievers tick. What is it that separates them from the ‘ordinary’ man or woman on the street. We came across this amazing video of Manny Pacquiao as he shares what defines him and makes him the man he is. The video speaks volumes all on its own.
We often make the mistake of thinking that there is a disconnect between our ‘normal lives’ – work, social, family – and what we believe at a deeper spiritual level. Many even claim not to believe in anything at all. The reality though is that we all believe is something.
After watching this video, we hope you are challenged – if this is not already clear to you – to make a decision about what you believe in. If you’d like to get on such a journey and give us an opportunity, like Pacquiao, to share our faith with you, please click on the banner below.
(This is an updated post)