I have a dream. Part of that big dream is to make a difference in someone’s life. The sort of ‘difference’ that at some point someone might recall something I’ve shared as truth or encouragement and it will reshape their reality. I don’t care if they never remember my name, but may they remember a wise word or 2. I shared that dream a few days ago with a few teenagers. I’d been asked to spend a few minutes with them, encouraging them and sharing a motivational thing or 2, as they prepared to be the senior class of their school next year. It turned into 30 minutes and it was a big deal to me; being asked to do something so ‘big’ and seeing it have an impact on them.
I received a thank you note on behalf of the class and one girl had written that she is sure that part of my dream had come true that day. I saw another student really moved by something I’d said, as I shared something really heavy from my own life. Part of my dream had come true. Why is this so important to me? I’m totally convinced that if I asked you to raise your hands if you would like to influence someone positively in your life, you’d say yes. God has place that in our hearts somewhere, the desire to care for and nurture others. It’s important to me because in God’s eyes I know I matter. You Matter. We have been created as people of purpose by a Creator whose fingerprint is on us; whose signature is on the artwork of our lives. If we can believe the truth that we matter, we will want to serve God, and serve others. It becomes part of what we’ve been made to do. Do we get it right all the time? No way, lets’ not kid each other, but we can all be used by God for something! That, I suppose, is why I carry this dream, and now I’m wearing it on my sleeve. I’m starting to develop a confidence, not in myself, but in my ability to be used by God. I don’t want this to be about me, but what God can do though me. God knows the day I committed to being used by Him, and He has not shied away from answering my call, as He has done for countless others. I matter. You Matter.
1 John 4:19-21 We love because he first loved us. Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.
We don’t need to struggle for our identity because it is sure in Him. We are loved and we can love others, all because He loved us first. This doesn’t happen one night by osmosis or by chance; it takes a few hard knocks and the pursuit of truth, and it can take time. Accept the Grace extended, chase the Truth and stand firm in who you are. In Whose you are. Now step out and make a difference; you know you want to!