In 2019, it is no secret that social media has changed the way we live our lives. From the way we get our daily news to how we communicate and engage with our family and friends. For a millennial, it is unavoidable, it’s powerful and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. While our newsfeeds and Insta stories may be thriving, can we truly say the same about our social lives?
Social media is being linked to the loneliness epidemic that’s contributing to mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety in the millennial generation. Many studies have focused on some key factors, including spending too much time looking at other people’s perfectly presented lives, or even spending too much time looking at ourselves can lead to feeling inferior or left out, which we now call FOMO, or fear of missing out -can lead to a downward spiral.
In all of this, there is a simple truth millenials are unaware or simply don’t know enough about- No matter how many friends we have, or how great our Insta following grows, our hearts will still have a void, a longing for a deeper sense of purpose and living, this longing can only be fulfilled through a relationship with God and His Son, Jesus Christ. He is a very present help in time of need and much more than this, He never leaves us alone.
Now, as a millennial, you may be wondering –how can God actually help me cope online and in various social media spaces?.
Here are three ways that having a relationship with God will help you cope with your millennial world.
- Having a relationship with God gives you a unique identity
God knows you and loves you just the way you are. Your character and personality are unique and He was completely intentional in creating you. The deeper your relationship grows, the more secure you will begin to feel and soon, you won’t have the need to compare yourself with anyone.
- Having a relationship with God gives you self-control
The more time you spend with God and in His Word, the more self-control you will gain. This is part of the gifts of your salvation and once you accept His son Jesus into your life, you have full access to this glorious gift. Self-control will allow you to spend your time online wisely.
- Having a relationship with God will influence you to be a blessing to others
The more you get to know God, the more you’ll begin to understand that He is a God of love and mercy and you will start sharing this truth with your friends and those around you. God selected you to read this truth for a reason, to share with others who are overwhelmed and who suffer from FOMO. Share your truth and God’s love with others.
If you are reading this and it relates to a situation you are currently facing, we would encourage you to get in contact with us and we’ll tell you a little more about this man named Jesus.