It’s okay not to be okay. We live in a society where we often mask the truth of how we really feel. We live our lives as if nothing is happening on the inside – sometimes even going for years without being honest with ourselves. We put on this façade that everything is great but internally there are real life struggles.
Recently I experienced this, and it was crazy because I thought it would never happen to me. I’m the person who is supposed to have it all figured out, who is supposed to be a great leader and have everything together. I couldn’t have been more wrong (haha).
Someone once told me to never give up – to always be strong and stand out – but no one ever told me I could be real. This is probably the most real blog I have written, because honest I didn’t know how to be real. I lived life as if everything was okay. I would keep myself busy with task and forget how I felt inside. Until recently.
Everything began to change a few weeks ago. I began to get angrier at little things. I started doing things out of character: started arriving late and leaving early; stuff that I would never normally do.
Recently I received probably some of the most life changing advice I have ever received and it was simple. “It’s okay to not be okay.” It hit me that what I’m feeling is normal. It does not make me less of a person, does not take away from my leadership… in fact it made me experience more emotions, more than ever before.
We live our lives without being real with ourselves or with each other. It’s time to be real. Forget messing up. Forget losing or winning. Forget being perfect. Just be real. Find a friend confide in them and sort your crap out.
But within reason. I do not mean go tell everyone your problems and be depressed for all your days. But have people you can trust and receive good Godly wisdom from. There is only so much you can hold in.
I believe that our nation, society and culture will change the minute we stop creating walls around heart problems. You can be the change by being real.
If this blog spoke to you and you would like to receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour click on the link below.
God Speed.