There are few things in life that outlast our own lifetime. This means we have to think long and hard about our legacy. Recently, I’ve started asking myself an important question: How can I make my life – my relationships, finances, and my impact in general – outlast my lifetime on this earth?
When it comes to the way you spend your money, you have to be extra careful about where you choose to contribute – especially if you’re making charitable contributions. With this in mind, I’ve made a list of some amazing movements that have changed the world – charities that have moved people from poverty into a new lifestyle; organisations that have moved people from hopelessness to hope.
- Hillsong Africa Foundation:
This non-profit organisation has made a huge dent in society. They have not only created jobs for people, but have also launched amazing skills development centres. Take a look at this amazing organisation if you’d like to make a difference in someone’s life.
This is such a powerful movement – another one that began out of a church. They go into schools weekly to raise awareness about the impact of rape on society, impacting many along the way. Go here if you’d like to invest into this movement.
- Compassion
The team that has changed the course of so many children’s lives is still going strong. Your gifts to this organisation will go towards fresh water and food, and allowing children to get to a great school, amongst other things. Check them out here.
- Watoto
I’ve given to this organisation before – they have changed the lives of countless children, many of whom have been affected by war and social ills. Watoto provides vulnerable women and children with holistic care, often impacting entire communities through their work. You can check out their site here.