I never thought I would see the day when we would witness someone actually plagiarise another person’s work – and to do it so confidently.
It’s something people always talk about, but we rarely come across real life incidents. Until last night.
Last night – in the early hours of South African time – the Republicans all gathered for their Convention where they are expected to either endorse or reject Donald Trump as their official presidential candidate for the elections later this year.
As per tradition, rounds of speeches are given in support or against the campaigning candidates. These speeches are delivered by various people.
Last night, mrs. Melania Trump, Donald’s wife, took to the podium in Cleveland to ask the Republicans to back her husband.
And it seems wherever the Trumps go, the drama is not too far behind.
Little did the people know, when she took to the stage, she would basically plagiarise massive sections of a similar speech delivered by Michelle Obama in support of her husband’s campaign. Only Mrs. Obama’s speech was delivered at the Democratic National Convention in 2008.
I didn’t believe it when I first saw this, but have a look for yourself: