We woke up to devastating news this morning. Famed author and speaker, Dr. Myles Munroe together with his wife, and 7 other passengers were killed in an airplane crash in Grand Bahama at around 5pm local time Sunday 9 November.
Dr. Munroe was the president and founder of the Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI) and Myles Munroe International (MMI), a Christian growth and resource center that includes leadership training institutes, a missions agency, a publishing company, a television network, radio and Web communications and a church community.
He was chief executive officer and chairman of the board of the International Third World Leaders Association and president of the International Leadership Training Institute. He was the author of 69 books and was a motivational speaker who empowered the lives of people from all over the world. This is an impressive list of achievements and speaks of a man who lived to serve and help others. How many people in our day can really say they are truly passionate about improving the lives of others?
Perhaps this quote from Dr. Munroe sums up best the heart that drove him to do all that he did and now, given that he has passed on, comes alive powerfully: “The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.”
Through his books, teachings and talks, Dr. Myles Munroe demonstrated that he had a clear sense of why he was on earth. He was able to identify his talents and, more than that, was willing to share his wisdom and teachings with the rest of the world.
The Bible is very clear as to what our lives should be about. Our purpose in life, as God originally created man, is to:
Glorify God and enjoy fellowship with Him,
Have good relationships with others,
and have dominion over the earth.
When you look at your life, can you say you are living it to the full? What are you doing with the gifts and talents placed in you?
We at 1Africa pray for the family and friends of Dr. Myles Munroe and salute a man who lived with purpose, inspiring others to do the same.