Have you ever seen those photo’s of people who have attempted to recreate something they’ve seen on Pinterest and haven’t quite got it right? If you haven’t, just google ‘pinterest fails’ and check out the images. You can see where the general intention was correct but the final destination was way off the mark.
A shot at goal
It would be wonderful if our intentions always equalled the desired outcome? The reality is that great intentions, while laudable, don’t guarantee the prize if you end up missing the target. Imagine a football match where points were awarded just for kicking the ball towards the general direction of the goal. Kind of stupid really! You only score when you manage to get the ball in the net. There are no prizes for almost. As they say, a miss is as good as a mile. Sometimes the smallest miss calculation or distraction can take you completely off course.
Do you know where you’re going?
To get to your desired destination, whether it is a physical place or a situation in life you need to have a plan, plot your co-ordinates and know exactly where you are headed. An approximation of your end goal could cause more problems along the way because even if you’re only fractionally off course, each step will take you further away from the true path that you should be following.
The journey to heaven is no different. The co-ordinates to locate the place where God is are found in knowing Jesus as Saviour. Knowing who Jesus is, is all good and well but that alone won’t lead you to God. Believing that Jesus is real is almost there but not quite. The bible tells us that we’ve all missed the mark when it comes to being good enough for God and are in need of a Saviour, Jesus to make a way for us. Without having a personal relationship with Jesus, you will find that you get to the end of the journey and have missed your destination and the eternal prize.
If you would like to know more about knowing Jesus and being sure that you’re on the right path please click the link below.