Every time I hear the word “hope” I automatically think about the flowers and letters I received in hospital. I think about the stories and the visits. When I hear the word “hope”, I see myself standing in that open field, feeling the raindrops fall on my face and I remember thinking, “Just this moment is enough.”
When I hear the word “hope” I take myself back to that moment, because it was in that moment that I caught onto hope and decided not to let go.
Why am I writing this? Why am I mumbling about hope and light? Because if you are reading this, you are searching for light. You are looking for that spark to hint to you that everything will be okay. That things will turn out, maybe not the way you planned… but there is a possibility that it might turn out even better. And every word you read is another chance you give yourself to find hope. You are giving yourself a reason to search for the light. I am writing this because maybe, just maybe, you will see the light in my story and find the hope you need to get through this day.
I may never be able to truly understand the power of this word, or even fully grasp how hope has completely changed my life. But one thing I do know, is that hope is real. Hope is found in the places you forget to look. And the people alongside you are often the ones that point you in the direction of true hope.
Now, I am not the biggest fan of people (yes, they fail you sometimes!), but in this life, in your journey, you will need people because people carry the light of Jesus, and without that light things can get scary. You will need that light to shine through whatever it is that you are facing. You will need late night reminders that Jesus has not forsaken you. People carry that hope in them, and remind you of it.
We at 1Africa believe in hope. We believe that hope is more than just a word. Because if you have hope, no matter how hard things might get, tomorrow seems possible.
We would love to hear your stories of how hope has changed your life. Share your hope today!