Have you ever been made to feel like you’re not worthy? Or better yet, been told in so many words that you’re no good? Well, rest assured, you’re not alone. Not too long ago, somebody told me and I quote: “You’re actually past your sell by date”. For a ‘minute’, I actually bought into it.
The mistake you and I make when we buy into the ‘past your sell by date’ mentality, is that we allow flawed creatures to assume the role of the perfect Creator. If you can relate, then dare I say that you and I have been sinning in this regard. I for one was guilty of this.
That was, until I wrestled with God, lost against Him and gave Him His role back.
Remember David’s story? Remember the way his brothers and father viewed him? Ray Boltz sings about it and says ‘when others see a shepherd boy, God may see a king’. And that’s the whole point of this blog; we will always be ‘shepherd boys’ both in our own eyes and that of others when we allow others to define our meaning and purpose in life.
Stop sinning. Don’t allow your self-worth, your identity, your purpose or your ‘sell by date’ to be determined by flawed people. God is God all by Himself and doesn’t share His throne with anybody! God has perfect vision for your life, He knows exactly what you can and cannot do, what He wants you to do, when He wants you to do it and for how long He wants you to do it.
I needed to confess that I allowed someone’s view of me to become more important than God’s view of me, but that was then and this is now. Over the last 13 months or so in particular, God’s convinced me that His view and opinion of me is what matters and when we had this conversation about my importance to Him, I heard Him say: “You are mine. I determine your sell by date”.
As for me being ‘past my sell by date’…well, lets just say that person was wrong.